
So near, yet just out of my grasp,
She taunts me.
Though I chase hard, she doesn’t flee;
She looks on with glee
At me,
Deriving joy from the plea
That in my eyes she sees

In vain I try some more,
But though she jests
I will not rest.
I cannot leave the floor,
I will not shut the door.
This quest dwells deep within my heart core
And to fail will leave my heart sore.
It will never be a bore,
A melancholic chore,
To chase some more.

Then the veil was removed!
And I saw why she daunts me
Taunts me
Trying to make me see
Why we can never be.
For, you see
My tail and I are one!
We have always been, how can we ever be?
So I bark and wag my tail in glee,
Knowing she will never flee
For we were always meant to be.

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